Studio Art Program
The Studio Art program is committed to the development of contemporary artists who are not only proficient makers, but also curious and inquisitive observers, critical thinkers, and resourceful self-initiators. Students in the Studio Art program benefit from small class sizes and well-equipped facilities, the numerous offerings of a tier one research university, and active relationships with the larger arts communities in Austin and beyond.
Rather than being limited to study in a single discipline, students explore media in and across multiple areas of study. Professionally active faculty and a rotation of visiting practitioners help students draw connections between their own work and contemporary and historical themes, while the academic offerings of the wider university enrich students’ knowledge of the broader contexts in which art is made and understood.
Studio Art News
Speaker Series

Visiting Artists Program
The Visiting Artists Program invites internationally known artists each fall for visits that include public lectures and studio visits with current graduate students.

Viewpoint Series
Viewpoint is a long-running annual series that invites leading curators, critics, and scholars of the contemporary art world for a sequence of concentrated visits each spring that include public lectures and seminars, as well as private studio visits with current graduate students.

Guest Artist in Print Program
The Guest Artist in Print Program (GAPP) invites contemporary artists working in print media for a one week residency in the department's print shops to develop a new project with the assistance of print faculty and students.

Art/Figure Modeling
Interested in working as a figure model for Drawing and Painting classes?