Tuition & Scholarships
The University of Texas at Austin not only offers an outstanding education but it is considered one of the best values in higher education among public universities.

Tuition & Costs
The affordability of an education at The University of Texas at Austin, including a full explanation of tuition and other costs of attendance, is detailed on UT’s Admissions website.

Texas Advance Commitment
Texas resident undergraduate students with family adjusted gross incomes (AGIs) of up to $65,000 will have tuition covered by scholarships and grants. Students with family AGIs between $65,000 and $125,000 will receive some financial assistance to help offset the cost of their tuition.
Department Scholarships
A limited number of merit-based department scholarships are awarded each year to incoming freshmen and transfer students based on the quality of their portfolio and application materials. Students do not need to apply for these scholarships; all applicants are automatically considered for these awards.
The department also awards merit-based scholarships to selected continuing students based on their performance in coursework, personal creative growth, excellent citizenship in the department, and strong academic standing. There is no application for these scholarships; students will be informed if they’ve been selected for one of these awards.
Competitive scholarships are also awarded each year to fund travel and tuition expenses for summer study programs such as Ox-Bow and the department’s Learning Tuscany program.

Additional Resources
Learn more about support options on UT’s Admissions website.
Information about university-wide scholarships and other types of financial assistance is also available from the following websites:
- Undergraduate Scholarships
- Texas Exes Scholarships
- Office of Financial Aid
- Work–Study Jobs
- FAFSA (UT FAFSA Code: 003658)