The Eleanor Greenhill Symposium is an annual event that provides an opportunity for Art History graduate students to present their research to the larger departmental and campus community. The symposium is designed both to encourage the sharing of ideas and to showcase the work of our graduate students. In addition to providing a space for students to share their scholarship, the symposium also provides an opportunity to mingle with other students and faculty.
12 - 12:45pm
Welcome + Tacos
12:45 - 1:15pm
Julia Detchon: Liberating the Sign: Feminist Gestures in Mirtha Dermisache's 'Illegible Texts'
1:15 - 1:45pm
Einav Zamir Dembin: Epinetra at Large: A Reexamination of Function
1:45 - 2:15pm
Rachel Remick: Mapping the Unconscious: Gender, Cartography, and Insanity in Leonora Carrington's 'Down Below'
2:15 - 2:45pm
Coffee Break
2:45 - 3:15pm
Christine James Zepeda: Art for the Uncloistered: The Case for Patrician Beguine Patronage of the First Ursula Bust
3:15 - 4pm
Provost Maurie McInnis: Keynote Address
For more information, please see symposium presentation abstracts and presenter bios.